/ The team
The team
Lemm & Ten Haaf /B2B is a team of professionals, specialized in B2B communication. All disciplines are available in-house, from strategy and creation to implementation and production. Coordinated from A to Z by experienced account and project managers. We are also proud of our network of freelance specialists, experts in their fields and flexible in deployment.

Hans Lemm
Account Director / Copywriter / Partner
Phone: +31 (0)20 420 11 72
Phone (mobile): 06 538 946 83
Email hans@lemm-tenhaaf.nl

Melvin Pulido Galan
Visual Experience Designer / Developer
Phone: +31 (0)20 420 11 72
Email melvin@lemm-tenhaaf.nl

Marijn Siderius
Online Marketing Consultant
Phone: +31 (0)20 420 11 72
Email marijnsiderius@happyhorizon.com

Laura van Schaik
Senior Online Marketing Consultant
Phone: +31 (0)20 420 11 72
Email lauravanschaik@happyhorizon.com